Sunday 22 April 2012

Melita: Artist of The Week: Griffin Theatre's blog!

In case you missed Melita as 'Artist of the Week' on Griffin Theatre Company's blog last week, here's the repost: 
What are you working on currently?

I’ve just handed in the locked down script for my play Crushed, which starts rehearsal on Monday. I had the luxury of a month of staggered script workshops with the cast, director and dramatrug. We workshopped each scene on the floor, questioned relationship and action lines, rewrote chewy dialogue and sharpened the turning points. The actors start rehearsal knowing that any further changes are going to be super slight. How awesome is that for an independent production?

Who, or what, inspires you to create?

Well, I love my country. Call me unfashionable or just plain downright weird, but I really love this country! I don’t have a Southern Cross tatt, I hate sport, and I’ve never gambled, but there’s an essential part of me that feels such a strong connection to this place, to our stories. I started writing for theatre because I felt a strong pull to tell the many stories of this beautiful, fraught and complex country that I am so proud to call my home.

What was the most interesting thing you saw recently?

I’m a bit obsessed with Brene Brown at the moment. I recently caught her TED talk and it still hasn’t left me. Brene’s a research professor who studies vulnerability and shame. ‘Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.’ I’m writing a new play called Goodnight Moon and in that context, her work reaffirms much about the human condition. It’s charged me to want to write flawed, vulnerable and very confused characters!
Passing the TED love on:

What is the best piece of advice that you've been given?

Margot Nash, my screenwriting mentor at UTS, said to me, ‘Don’t listen too much.’ She was talking about listening to feedback. Feedback can get in the way. I’ve learnt this the hard way! Ultimately, I’ve learnt to trust my own impulses and tell the story my heart wants to tell. I think of what Margot said every time I go into a script workshop.

Who, past or present, would you like to share a meal with and why?

Berthe Morisot. She was a French Impressionist painter. I saw quite a few of her paintings when I was living in Paris. Berthe was good friends with Manet and also sat for him. In those paintings, there’s a delicious unspoken relationship that plays out between Berthe, the sitter, and Manet, the artist. (I might be writing about this)… They were both married, but I totally reckon they did it. I’d ask her if they did it. And if she has a good recipe for homemade pate.

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